Call to Action Day
December 7, 2021 | Virtual Event
House Bill 6 left Ohio with dirty, expensive, antiquated power plants that are massive contributors to climate change and poor air quality. These power plants negatively impact the health of our communities. There are currently many bills in the Ohio Legislature (HB 351 and SB 117, HB 389, HB 450, and HB 429) designed to reduce the state’s reliance on coal and diversify our energy resources. These bills are critical for improving the health of Ohioans. Join us today in encouraging our state legislators to take action on energy transition legislation and improve the health of our state!
To participate, please send the email below to the suggested legislators, and then fill out this quick google form. If you email more than one legislator, please send individual emails.
Contact Information:
Speaker Robert Cupp:
Chair James Hoops:
Vice Chair Sharon Ray:
Representative Bill Seitz:
Representative Laura Lanese:
Subject Line: Clean Energy Makes Ohio Healthier
Body of Message:
Dear {insert legislator name},
My name is {insert name}. I am a {insert type of medical professional} in {insert city} and I am emailing today with Ohio Clinicians for Climate Action to stress the importance of strong clean energy legislation for Ohioans’ health. Climate change is a public health crisis, disproportionately harming children, people of color, and low-income members of our community.
House Bill 6 left Ohio with dirty, expensive, antiquated power plants that are massive contributors to climate change and poor air quality. These coal-fired power plants release harmful chemicals such as arsenic, mercury, and fine particulate matter that pose health concerns including premature birth and neurocognitive defects. This health threat is clearly demonstrated in the American Lung Association State of the Air report, which ranks three Ohio cities among the Top 14 most polluted in the country for year-round particulate pollution.
Diversifying Ohio’s energy mix to include greater renewable energy sources is essential for improving Ohioans’ health.In the Ohio legislature, HB 351 and SB 117 focus on eliminating the uneconomic subsidies propping up the OVEC coal plants. There are also multiple bills focused on a transition to renewable energy currently in the legislature. I encourage you to actively support legislation that reduces reliance on coal and all efforts to rapidly transition our power grid to renewable energy alternatives.
As a medical professional, I swore an oath to care for my patients. As legislators, you swore an oath to serve the people of Ohio. I hope you take your role as seriously as I do and push for strong, clean energy legislation, protecting the health of all Ohioans.
{Insert name here}